Liz, my neighbor and serious flower gardener, just gave me a whole wheelbarrow FULL! of big beautiful black irises. This is not the first flowers she has given me. Much of the flowers I have are from her. Coreopis, trumpet flower, lots of different bulbs, petunias, a HUGE sedum plant, and other plants she doesn't even know the name of- but knows that they are beautiful and colorful. It's quite amazing. We've had quite a few conversations about the benefits of perennial flowers vs. annual flowers. She said she is switching over to do as many perennial flowers as she can because of cost of buying new ones every year, and the how they tend to require more attention. We agreed to trade when we can. I gave her some astilbe that someone had given to me, some bee balm, and some extra sunflowers I had started from seed. It's exciting to think of the future we have together, as we expand the flowers on this street.
I barely know where to put all these irises, but I'll tell you, I feel a deep responsibility to make sure they find a good place- most likely a place where everyone else on the street can enjoy them, too.
I'll keep you posted as to where I end up putting them.
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