This past summer gardens in Vermont got much more water than
our little garden did in the Midwest world of Cleveland, OH. Rain harvesting continuously shows
itself to be a vital element in gardening and farming, as the weather is
growing more and more variable and less reliable. So, when I saw this rain harvesting system at my friends’
place up in Vermont, I thought I’d document it. Though much of this particular system is used for indoor
kitchen and bathroom sink systems, it shows an ingenious way to collect and use
the precious water resource come down from the heavens!
a smart and simple homemade filter made from a sock to keep leaves and any other debris from getting into the rain barrels.
The Outdoor Dish-Washing Sink
The plumbing set-up for the rain barrels, though well thought-out, were incredibly simple. With plumbing to connect the water use for doing dishes outside, there was also pipes that went inside to make for doing dishes possible indoors as well.
Rosemary ready to do the dishes!
Rainwater harvesting systems is an essential product for saving natural water for day to day potable and other purposes.Your system is also great, i think it saves around 400-500 liters rain water.