Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch & More Mulch!

To be like a tree
is to mulch in the Fall!

And OH! is there an abundance!   This time of year, everyone is racking their leaves, or leaf-blowing them away (oh, how noisy those things are- this is one invention that I will grateful for peak oil to make null & void!), stuffing them into big brown paper bags and asking the city to take them away.  Of course, if you live in Cleveland, the story is different- maybe those leaves end up in the landfill (*Did you know that it is actually illegal in the state of Ohio for yard waste to go in the landfill?).  For the moment, though, I focus on all the bags of leaves lining the streets metaphorically and in actuality: the bags of gold.

Free nitrogen fertilizing mulch laying around in convenient take-away bags!  I have started a policy that you are only allowed to take the car out for errands, if you also pick-up a few bags on your way home.  Heck, we live in the age of cheap fossil fuel fed energy- and it may not always be here- and well, we got to take full advantage of it while we can to rebuild our soils ASAP!  So bring on the biomass!

Here's to being like a tree- and MULCHING!

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